Frequently Asked Questions

Where is your store located?

We don not have a Physical Store any where. We only work online but we are based in Lahore, Pakistan.

When can I call/contact you to Order a Book?

Well you Do Not necessarily need to contact us to order a book. You can order directly from this website. But if you have additional questions about the product or a product is not available on our website; then you can Call us any time between 10 AM and 10 PM and we will respond you almost immediately. But even if you contact us out of these hours, we try to respond as soon as possible.

What are the delivery charges?

There are no fixed delivery charges instead it depends on weight of the Books/Package and destination city and country. Delivery charges are automatically calculated at the Cart/Checkout page depending on the above mentioned criteria.

Which Courier Service do you use to ship the Products?

We use Trax, Call Courier, Leopards and Pakistan Post for delivering the products. For more details please visit our Shipping Policy page by CLICKING HERE.

Do you deliver out of Pakistan?

Yes we can deliver to destinations out of Pakistan except India and Israel.

How to Order if I am out of Pakistan?

Please Call/WhatsApp at +92-330-5567891 if you want to get a book delivered out of Pakistan. Deliveries out of Pakistan are subject to full payment in advance. Your books/s will not be dispatched until the receipt of payment has been confirmed.

How do you deliver out of Pakistan and What are the Delivery charges.

We usually deliver through DHL or SkyNet. Delivery charges will depend on weight of the Books/Package and destination Country. Delivery Charges for DHL are high as compared to SkyNet.

How Long does it take to Deliver Out of Pakistan?

After we have dispatched your required books; DHL may take up to 7 days to deliver and SkyNet may take anywhere between 5 to 10 days depending upon destination Country.

Why are International Delivery Charges so high for my country?

As mentioned above, the delivery charges depend on weight of the package and destination country. These delivery charges for each country are set and changed (increased or decreased) each month by the courier companies, NOT US. We just charge you the delivery charges as set by the courier companies.

Why don’t you deliver to India?

We CAN NOT deliver to India because there is a ban on trade between India and Pakistan because of which courier companies Do Not accept the packages to be shipped to India.

I want to order a book but I can’t find it in your Website, What should I do?

We are continuously adding more and more books in our Website. But if you can’t find a book, then you can contact us using our Contact US form by CLICKING HERE or Call/WhatsApp: +92-330-5567891 between 10 AM and 10 PM.

I want to return the Book that I ordered from your website, What should I do?

Get A Book – Pakistan practices on NO RETURN, NO REFUND and NO EXCHANGE POLICY. Return, Refund or Exchange of books is only possible if the incorrect or damaged books were delivered. For more details please See our Policy on Returns and Exchanges written in Website’s Terms and Condition Page by CLICKING HERE.

I want to Pay using my Credit/Debit Card. Are my Card Details Safe?

Oh absolutely Yes! Our website Uses SSL (Secure Sockets Layer shown as a LOCKED Padlock in Browser Address Bar) to ensure your privacy. Please CLICK HERE to know more about SSL. We use PayFast Payment Gateway to receive the payments from Credit/Debit Card. You will not enter your credit/debit card details on our website. In fact, when you select a Payment option and Click on Place Order, you will be immediately redirected to PayFast Payment Gateway’s Secure environment which is 100% Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard” (PCI DSS) Compliant and ensures the security of your card details and personal data and ensures Smooth, Instant and Secure transactions. To know more about PCI DSS, please CLICK HERE.

I have another Question which is Not Answered in these FAQs, What should I do?

If you have any additional question; then you can contact us by CLICKING HERE.