- The book “Essentials of Clinical Research by Stephen P. Glasser“has been updated to its Second Edition with a lot of new information for those interested in clinical research.
- The topics covered in the discussion include genetic, pharmacoepidemiologic, and implementation research. The book now has new tables added to explain the key points and all the chapters have been updated with new information.
- The Second Edition of the book Essentials of Clinical Research by Stephen P. Glasser now offers discussion on how to handle missing data when analyzing results. There are new sections on Adaptive Designs, Effectiveness Designs, Comparative Effectiveness Research, and Pragmatic Trials. Chapter 6 has been expanded to cover Futility Trials, Medical Device approval, Off Label Drug use, and the role of the FDA in regulating advertising. Additionally, there is information on the role of pill color and shape in association with the placebo effect, and issues surrounding minority recruitment.
- The final chapter offers a new section on manuscript preparation and guidelines being adopted by journals like CONSORT, STROBE, PRISMA, MOOSE, and others. There is also coverage of Conflicts of Interest, Authorship, Coercive Citation, and Disclosures in Industry-Related Associations.
Overall, Essentials of Clinical Research 2nd Edition by Stephen P. Glasser offers more comprehensive approach and authoritative advice, making it a popular and trusted resource for students and working researchers.
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